Highlight link based on current page in rails
This is common pattern in website navigation, where it highlights the link (usually by setting class=”active”
) that took you to the current page while you are on that page.
First, define a helper:
def is_active?(page_name)
"active" if params[:action] == page_name
Then call it in your link_to’s in your layout as such:
link_to 'Home', '/', :class => is_active?("index")
link_to 'About', '/about', :class => is_active?("about")
link_to 'contact', '/contact', :class => is_active?("contact")
This effect is achieved due to how linkto handles being passed nil
for its :class
, so when `isactive?returns
nil(because its not the current page),
link_tooutputs nothing as its class (not
class=””` as you might expect).