Interesting Links

The Staff+ Performance Cliff

When Staff+ engineers transition from a team lead to an org-level lead, the increased ambiguity often leads to feeling lost and overwhelmed. This article explores the "Performance Cliff" phenomenon and offers practical strategies to adapt, stay organized, and redefine success in a leadership role.

GitHub - Hawzen/hdp: What would happen if we didn't use TCP or UDP?

What would happen if we didn't use TCP or UDP?

GitHub - cordx56/rustowl: Visualize Ownership and Lifetimes in Rust

Visualize Ownership and Lifetimes in Rust. Contribute to cordx56/rustowl development by creating an account on GitHub.

Algebraic effects are a functional approach to manage side effects

An explanation of what algebraic effects are and why they are useful for managing side effects

Trying out Python packages with ipython and uvx

I figured out a really simple pattern for experimenting with new Python packages today:

Smuggling arbitrary data through an emoji

tl;dr: yes, although I found an approach without ZWJ. In fact, you can encode data in any unicode character. This sentence has a hidden messageσ …Ÿσ …˜σ „σ …σ …©σ „œσ „σ …©σ …Ÿσ …₯σ „σ …–σ …Ÿσ …₯σ …žσ …”σ „σ …€σ …˜σ …•σ „σ …˜σ …™σ …”σ …”σ …•σ …žσ „σ …σ …•σ …£σ …£σ …‘σ …—σ …•σ „σ …™σ …žσ „σ …€σ …˜σ …•σ „σ …€σ …•σ …¨σ …€σ „‘. (Try pasting it into this decoder)

Perma Tools

Experiments and Tailored Tooling for High Fidelity Web Archives.

Jujutsu VCS Introduction and Patterns

Jujutsu (jj), a new version control system written in Rust, has popped up on my radar a few times over the past year. Looked interesting based on a cursory look, but being actually pretty satisfied with Git, and not having major problems with it, I haven’t checked it out. That is, until last week, when I finally decided to give it a go! I dived into a couple blog posts for a few of hours, and surprisingly (noting that we’re talking about a VCS) I found myself enjoying it a lot, seeing the consistent design, and overall simplicity it managed to achieve.

Why Trees Without Branches Grow Faster: The Case for Reducing Branches in Code

CedarDB is a relational-first database that supports all your workloads, from transactional to analytical to graph, accessible through PostgreSQL's tools and SQL dialect.

Supercharge SQLite with Ruby Functions

An interesting twist in my recent usage of SQLite was the fact that I noticed my research scripts and the database intertwine more. SQLite is unique in that it really lives in-process, unlike standalone database servers. There is a feature to that which does not get used very frequently, but can be indispensable in some situations. By the way, the talk about the system that made me me to explore SQLite in anger can now be seen here. Normally it is your Ruby (or Python, or Go, or whatever) program which calls SQLite to make it β€œdo stuff”. Most calls will be mapped to a native call like sqlite3_exec() which will do β€œSQLite things” and return you a result, converted into data structures accessible to your runtime. But there is another possible direction here - SQLite can actually call your code instead.

The CVM Algorithm

Everything you need to know about query planning can be understood from this query: SELECT * FROM xy WHERE y = 3 ORDER BY x Imagine we have two indexes, one...

Haskell: A Great Procedural Language

These sound like dismissals or absurdities from the outside, but once you learn what they really mean, they take on a new light. In this article, I want to explain the third. (See the appendix if you are curious about the first two.)

Write your Own Virtual Machine

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to write your own virtual machine (VM) that can run assembly language programs, such as my friend’s 2048 or my Roguelike. If you know how to program, but would like to gain a deeper understanding of what is going on inside a computer and better understand how programming languages work, then this project is for you. Writing your own VM may sound a little scary, but I promise that you will find it to be surprisingly simple and enlightening.

Coccinelle β€” The Linux Kernel documentation

Coccinelle is a tool for pattern matching and text transformation that has many uses in kernel development, including the application of complex, tree-wide patches and detection of problematic programming patterns.