Various side projects I've developed over the years.
Finatra - sinatra inspired web framework for scala using finagle
Base - scala project generator
Monoloco - a chaos monkey implementation
Watercoolr - pubsub via HTTP webhooks
Uploadd - rainbows based upload server, with rails paperclip plugin
Existential - absolute minimum authorization system for rails
MigrationFor - ruby gem for writing migrations without leaving the command line, read more here
theman - ruby scheduler/worker framework, used for running various tasks at different intervals
has_opengraph - rails plugin to export open graph data from your models
Fieldy - ruby gem for dealing with fixed width fields
Amazon AIM - implementation of the Amazon Inventory Management (AIM) API
AtomLog - library for converting ruby's Logger format into an ATOM feed
Whim - wrapper over the official ec2 command line tools, based on sub
Kiev - simple embedded k/v store for use in scripts, read more here
Nolimit - a bitcask database exposed via a webmachine HTTP API, written mainly to learn webmachine and bitcask
Randimgur - finds imgur images by generating random urls, you try it out here (WARNING: randomly NSFW)
Antigallery - a completely customizable gallery, used by posterous