Finagle with scala-bootstrapper
I've been fascinated by the concepts in finagle for some time, but being a scala noob, I never knew how to bootstrap a finagle project. Turns out twitter has a gem, scala-bootstrapper, that generates a simple thirft based key/value store for you. There's even atutorial on how to extend the example project into a distributed search service.
This is a guide on setting it all up locally, it assumes you have Git, Homebrew, and OS X.
Install scala 2.8.1
$ brew versions scala
$ cd/usr/local/(or wherever you have homebrew installed)
$ git checkout -b scala281 0e16b9d(make sure the SHA matches versions output)
$ brew install scala
$ git checkout master$git branch -D scala281
Install sbt 0.7.4 (assumes you have a ~/bin in your $PATH)
$ curl -O > ~/bin/sbt-launch.jar
$ echo 'java -Xmx1G -jar `dirname $0`/sbt-launch.jar "$@"'> ~/bin/sbt
Install scala-bootstrapper
$ gem install scala-bootstrapper
Generate finagle project**
$ mkdir newbird
$ cd newbird
$ scala-bootstrapper newbird
$ sbt update
$ sbt test
Add a Client class
create newbird/src/main/scala/com/twitter/newbird/Client.scala with
package com.twitter.newbird
import com.twitter.finagle.builder.ClientBuilder
import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ThriftClientFramedCodec
import com.twitter.newbird.thrift._
import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol
class Client {
val service = ClientBuilder().hosts(Seq(newInetSocketAddress("localhost",9999)))
val client = new NewbirdServiceClientAdapter(
new thrift.NewbirdService.ServiceToClient(service,newTBinaryProtocol.Factory))
def get(key:String) = client.get(key)()
def put(key:String, value:String) = client.put(key,value)()
Running the server
$ cd newbird
$ sbt> run -f config/development.scala
Playing with the client
$ cd newbird
$ sbt console
scala> import com.twitter.newbird.Client
scala> val client = new Client()
scala> client.put("foo","bar")
scala> client.get("foo")
finagle exports a stats url you can curl:
$ curl http://localhost:9900/stats.txt
counters: Newbird/connects: 1
Newbird/requests: 4
Newbird/success: 4
Newbird/connections: 0
Newbird/pending: 0
jvm_heap_committed: 588251136
jvm_heap_max: 2146828288
jvm_heap_used: 64354560
jvm_nonheap_committed: 83267584
jvm_nonheap_max: 318767104
jvm_nonheap_used: 68655360
jvm_num_cpus: 4
jvm_start_time: 1327511164928
jvm_thread_count: 14
jvm_thread_daemon_count: 9
jvm_thread_peak_count: 14
jvm_uptime: 2626505
Newbird/connection_duration: (average=2590412, count=1, maximum=2590412, minimum=2590412, p25=2590412, p50=2590412, p75=2590412, p90=2590412, p99=2590412, p999=2590412, p9999=2590412)
Newbird/connection_received_bytes: (average=192, count=1, maximum=192, minimum=192, p25=192, p50=192, p75=192, p90=192, p99=192, p999=192, p9999=192)
Newbird/connection_requests: (average=4, count=1, maximum=4, minimum=4, p25=4, p50=4, p75=4, p90=4, p99=4, p999=4, p9999=4)
Newbird/connection_sent_bytes: (average=120, count=1, maximum=120, minimum=120, p25=120, p50=120, p75=120, p90=120, p99=120, p999=120, p9999=120)
Newbird/request_latency_ms: (average=14, count=4, maximum=39, minimum=2, p25=2, p50=8, p75=10, p90=39, p99=39, p999=39, p9999=39)