Automatic High Quality Releases
Recently, I invested some time into automating some of the work that goes into a Finatra release.
The work consists of updating:
The version in the XML fragment of the main README.markdown
The version in the pom.xml of the example app
Any API changes in the example app
The version in the template pom.xml of the app generator
The generated unit test of the app generator that demonstrates testing any new API features
Any API changes inside the app template of the app generator
Using sub, I was able to create a finatra
command that automated all of the above based on a single template, which also happens to be the main unit test. This ensures that the README, the example app, and the app generator never fall out of sync with the frameworks API.
Last week we released 1.1.0, and the README was completely generated, as was the example app. Not to mention, all generated apps would also contain the latest templates and examples!
Let's dive into how it all works:
The source of truth
I annotated our main unit test with special tokens, like so:
```scala ExampleAppSpec.scala class ExampleSpec extends SpecHelper {
/* ###BEGIN_APP### */
class ExampleApp extends Controller {
* Basic Example
* curl http://localhost:7070/hello => "hello world"
get("/") { request =>
render.plain("hello world").toFuture
val app = new ExampleApp
/* ###END_APP### */
/* ###BEGIN_SPEC### */
"GET /hello" should "respond with hello world" in { get("/") response.body should equal ("hello world") }
/* ###END_SPEC### */ } ```
Using the special /* ### */
comments, the main app and its test can be extracted from the code of our test.
The app generator
Now that we have our "template", we can build our app generator to use it. I customized base and ended up with: script/finatra/libexec/finatra-new
You can then run:
$ ./finatra new com.example.myapp
and it will generate myapp/
based on the tested example code from the test suite above.
The example app
The example app is just a generated app using the latest app generator:
# Usage: finatra update-example
# Summary: generates the example app from the template
set -e
source $_FINATRA_ROOT/lib/
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/finatra_example.XXX)
$_FINATRA_ROOT/bin/finatra new com.twitter.finatra_example $tmpdir
cp -Rv $tmpdir/finatra_example/ $EXAMPLE_REPO
rm -rf $tmpdir
cd $EXAMPLE_REPO && mvn test
This also tests the app generator and the generated app!
Updating the README
Lastly, there's a command for updating the README with the new example and version number.