Base: A Scala Project Generator
Finally got tired of copy pasting other projects and gutting them to make new ones, so I created base, a shell command that creates new scala projects.
Finally got tired of copy pasting other projects and gutting them to make new ones, so I created base, a shell command that creates new scala projects.
A few months ago, I gave a presentation on how Posterous uses Riak for it's post cache; At #ricon2012 I ended up retelling this story to numerous people, so I thought I'd post the slides and video here.
Cooked this up last night when I needed a simple key/value store for use in a shell script.
I've been fascinated by the concepts in finagle for some time, but being a scala noob, I never knew how to bootstrap a finagle project.
Last night I delightfully discovered that Adium Message Styles are just html, css, and javascript rendered inside a webview.